
Monday 9 December 2019

SLJ - Teaser Week (Day 1) BFG

Activity 3:
On your blog, write a character description of the Big Friendly Giant that includes at least 10 descriptive words and a picture that you have drawn of the BFG. You could describe what he looks, smells, and sounds like, and tell your readers all about his personality.

SLJ - Teaser Week (Day 1) Pepeha

Activity 2:
For this activity, we would like to create your own pepeha. You can write the pepeha in any language that you wish. If you need some help, please visit this pepeha website or use this template.

SLJ - Teaser Week (Day 1) Lorde

Activity 1:
For this activity, we would like you to do some research and find out all that you can about Lorde. Once you have finished your research, please create a Profile Page for her. A profile page is a digital info graphic or poster that shares information about someone.

Thursday 5 December 2019

My Learning Reflection 2019

- What did I do well in my learning this year?

I don’t think I did well on anything , I tried but didn’t try hard enough.
I didn’t really improve on my tests , I either went up by 2 or went down.
Whenever I was given homework to do which was related to my tests , I didn’t do it.
I was more into social media (Instagram , Facebook).
I completed most of my homework but I only did it for the sake of doing it.
I didn’t really understand what I was doing.
Now I know next time to try harder & finish off my homework with a good attitude.

Friday 29 November 2019

Comic Strip

Friday 29th November
Task: We are learning to create a comic strip to tell a story
Below is a comic strip I have created about Te Wairua Pakiki 4 2019.

- We all met , did individual work , started to work together as a team once we were confident & finally to this point we are about to move on!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Concept Of Judgement

Wednesday 27th November

Friday 22 November 2019

New School

Friday 22nd November 
My first week in the school was okay.
It's very different because of the rules we have. (No shoes inside , Lunch boxes all together in a box ,  During break time we can't be upstairs or inside the classrooms , etc.) We have all gotten used to some of the rules and we are trying to get use to calling our class names differently. (Te wairua pakiki 4 , 5 , 6) - the rest of the classes are down stairs (Te wairua pakiki 1 & 2). After school there is a walk pathway for us to get home , also a drive through for our parents to pick us up. We don't have patrols anymore. Other than all of those , our school is interesting , we have a recovery room that is sound proof , you can't hear others outside of the room & nobody can hear you either.
It's easier to get together with the rest of the school. We have an elevator for special reasons. I feel like this school made a big change for our school & it is much better than the old school.