Friday 22nd November
My first week in the school was okay.
It's very different because of the rules we have. (No shoes inside , Lunch boxes all together in a box , During break time we can't be upstairs or inside the classrooms , etc.) We have all gotten used to some of the rules and we are trying to get use to calling our class names differently. (Te wairua pakiki 4 , 5 , 6) - the rest of the classes are down stairs (Te wairua pakiki 1 & 2). After school there is a walk pathway for us to get home , also a drive through for our parents to pick us up. We don't have patrols anymore. Other than all of those , our school is interesting , we have a recovery room that is sound proof , you can't hear others outside of the room & nobody can hear you either.
It's easier to get together with the rest of the school. We have an elevator for special reasons. I feel like this school made a big change for our school & it is much better than the old school.