Friday 21st September
Learn: I have been learning how to pre-assess my writing.
“Guys I don’t think we should be here in
this scary haunted school , it’s restricted anyways”
Aaliyah trembled as her teeth chattered ,
“why so scared ? , stop being so boring , just follow
and stop complaining before something happens to
you already! I yelled. “Apo’s right ,
plus we already came this far , we can’t turn back”
Helena exclaimed. Mei , Kiko , Vika , Claudia and I
were in the front leading the way to the school.
Once we got to the school we could already
see spider webs on the corner of the building , doors open ,
windows covered in dust and dirt. “U-uhm I don’t think this
is a good idea , let’s go back before we all d-die”.
“Shut up Claudia you scaredy cat hahaha!” Kiko teased.
We walked into a quite small classroom ,
wood scattered all around the floor ,
wallpaper ripped off and lights twitching - on and off. “HELP!!!!!”
I hear Ewans voice coming from the other room ,
we all run out to the other room and all we see is
Ewan’s body slowly going down through knives that
were standing straight up. “Oh my GOSH!” ,
I look to the left and see Aaliyah crying ,
“ stop crying you're making everything worse!” I said.
“ He must’ve fell ahahaha “ Claudia chuckled.
“Shut up you fat horse!” Helena groaned.
We all walk out , “STOP!” I said , “where is Mei?!”.
“Everybody split up! , I don’t want anything happening
to anyone else! , I’ll go with Helena , Kiko you go
with Claudia , Vika and Aaliyah!” “pfft ok , girl power”
Kiko sneered as he rolled his eyes.
After a few minutes of going through the other classes…
“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” , I hear Aaliyah’s voice from the bathroom.
Helena and I quickly take off ,
once we got to the bathroom
we could see the big lights on top of Mei twitching
on and off squashing her flat into her death. “Okay! ,
I think we SHOULD get out instantly because this is getting a bit to far!”
, “Like I-I s-said , lets hurry up before another tragedy happens already !”
Aaliyah snapped.
“I think it’s too late for that!” Helena shouted , I
look back to see Vika on the floor with a metal stick halfway down her mouth ,
there was also a bit of blood squirting out . “Helena you're dad is a doctor right ?
can you check her heartbeat” I asked , “ sure can do “ she replied.
She got down on her knees and checked her heart beat….
She looks right back up at us with a sad face , “s-sorry guys” she mumbled.
“You know what let’s just leave” I sighed.
When we got out of the school we could see our friend Joseph.
I wondered how he got here.
Joseph went to the door and jumped up once and the big
whiteboard fell on him , his blood made the wires from
the walls wet and he got electrocuted burning all his fat.
“EW!” I shouted in disgust
As soon as we left I realised that Helena , Kiko , Claudia , Aaliyah and
I were still alive.
“I guess Satan didn’t like the other 3” Claudia laughed. “Shut up!”
Helena yelled.
We all left home but I went to Helenas house ,
we straight ran inside and started watching scary movies.
We started laughing but then….
We realised that blood was coming out from the tv.
We moved back and a girl with long black hair ,
wearing a white dress comes out from the tv. We started screaming ,
“CaN’t YoU tElL aLrEaDy !? NoBoDy'S hOmE!” she cried.
The girl that was coming out of the tv ,
her head was twitching and was turning around.
The tv was turning off and on. WE were both scared.
Once the girl got out of the tv , she grabbed Helena and
started shaking Helena around , it grabbed her head and broke her head off.
Blood was coming out very fast. Helena’s eyes were still open
and she was staring at me.
I screamed from the top of my lungs.
The girl then grabbed me , she picked up a knife ,
she was shaking very very hard , she started cutting
my stomach open and my guts were spilling out. Helena’s
head was on the ground and she was screaming.
I knew .. I shouldn’t have lead everyone to the haunted house